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Independent learning and resilience are essential skills and this is the perfect opportunity for our BCG students to master them. 

Welcome to our BCG blog which we have set up to share the wonderful learning experiences our school is currently enjoying. At the British College of Gava we have an extremely close and supportive community and our teachers are working extremely hard to ensure our students are kept busy during this challenging period.


I encourage you to look through the blog and i am sure you will sense what an amazing school we have. If you are new to BCG please also look at our website and contact admissions for details of our next Open Doors events


Simon Mower



El aprendizaje independiente y la resiliencia son habilidades esenciales y esta es la oportunidad perfecta para que nuestros estudiantes de BCG los dominen

Bienvenidos a nuestro blog BCG que hemos creado para compartir las maravillosas experiencias de aprendizaje que nuestro colegio está disfrutando actualmente. En The British College of Gava tenemos una comunidad extremadamente cercana y solidaria y nuestros profesores están trabajando muy duro para garantizar que nuestros estudiantes se mantengan ocupados durante este período desafiante.

Les animo a que revisen el blog y estoy seguro de que precibirán el maravilloso colegio que tenemos. Si no conoce BCG, visite nuestra web y comuníquese con el Departamento de admisiones para obtener información de nuestros próximos eventos de Puertas Abiertas

Simon Mower

Dear BCG Teachers,


I am reaching out to you to express our gratitude for your outstanding work in continuing the lessons online while keeping the kids engaged and helping them keep up daily routine and normality during these most challenging times. 


These past weeks qualitative home schooling has become so important, not only for the purpose of teaching but also for keeping up normality, social contact, good spirits and the feeling of being part of the community. 

I know many kids at other schools that have not been so lucky in that regard.


I think I speak for many other parents here. 




Tribute to the health care professionals, front line workers, parents, teachers and everyone who has stepped up during this unprecedented time :)


History and Maths



Survival Week

Coco pic.png
berta pic.png


Earth Day

Sant Jordi

Los estudiantes de Y10, en la asignatura de catalán, han grabado un vídeo donde reflexionan sobre el confinamiento: cómo lo viven, qué rutinas tienen, cómo se sienten. 

To our wonderful parents, THANK YOU! you are also doing it great!

Thanks for your continued support.


A nuestros maravillosos padres, GRACIAS! También lo estáis haciendo muy bien!

Gracias por su continuo apoyo.


Otra semana más, y otra menos!!

Muy contentos con las actividades que nos propone el cole!!!


Padres de Reception, Y3 y Y5

This week BCG Secondary pupils have been getting creative with the Drama project.


They have created a character, written a monologue for that character, and acted it out in front of the camera.

Your Athletes
by Crystal Howard

Your athletes are strong, competitive and fit,
I admire their bodies, their skills, their grit.
Robbed of their tournaments, races and wins,
This virus does not discriminate by race, religion or kin.

I am thinking of you at BCG,
Some may have returned to family.
Stay safe, stay healthy, stay home,
Even though you may want to rome.

I have faith that this pandemic will end.
Until then, wishes for wellness I send.
Keep moving, whatever it takes to cope;
The kindness across the world gives hope. 

Chinese Shadow Theatre


This is easy and great fun. All you need is paper or card, scissors, a pillowcase or a cloth, and a lamp. Cut out different shapes, then prop them up with bits of card or objects. Use a lamp as a back-light and hold a see-through white cloth in front. Tell stories, imagine different characters and have fun! Don't forget to send us photos!

BCG Big sing project

This is an opportunity for us all to be a part of something bigger, beyond the confines of our homes. I hope you enjoy learning and singing this song. Music can set our spirits free!


Ms Foreman


BCG Community Project week! Each afternoon, the children from EYFS to Year 9 had the opportunity to engage in a variety of different tasks, some linked to the theme, ‘Catalunya’. We had the opportunity to experience cross curricular learning projects to explore as a family! Antoni Gaudi, St. Jordi, Music, Poetry, Art and drama! BCG together creating activities and staying together and strong!

Easter eggs


Have some family fun making Easter eggs. Ask an adult to boil some eggs, then gather different material to use, such as cotton wool, buttons, string, paint, felt-tip pens and white correcting fluid. Once the eggs have cooled down, decorate them as animals or with patterns. Have fun, and don't forget to send us a photo!



Huevos de Pascua


Diviértete haciendo huevos de Pascua. Pídele a un adulto que hierva unos huevos, y envuentra diferentes materiales como algodón, botones, hilo o lana, rotuladores, e incluso corrector blanco. Cuando los huevos se hayan enfriado, decoralos como animales, o con cenefas. Diviértete y ¡no te olvides de enviarnos una foto!

'Thank you very much for your work and all the teachers. 

Wishing you good health and good luck.


Muchas gracias por su trabajo y a todos los profesores.
Les deseo buena salud y buena suerte.'

Year 9 mother


'Mucho ánimo, lo estáis haciendo fenomenal.

Gracias por el esfuerzo a todo el equipo BCG'

Reception, Y3 and Y5 mother


‘Quisiera agradecer el esfuerzo que están haciendo los profesores por mantener la rutina y el trabajo de los niños.

Están trabajando con ganas y todo gracias a la implicación del colegio.

Esta experiencia nos va a hacer todos más fuertes y resilientes.’

Padres de Y8 y 10

I would also ask you to extend a warm virtual hug to all the teachers and BCG staff that demonstrated great resilience and dedication organizing a complete different style of school day for all of our kids: it was not easy for difficulty, timing, logistics, but you really made it, since day 1!

‘Buenos días!!
Qué semana tan intensa!!!
Ha sido una semana cargada de nuevos aprendizajes y nuevas emociones!!
Aprendiendo en casa hasta los hermanos hacen los deberes de otros cursos!
También hemos hecho fiesta y regalo ‍para papá en su día especial !!!
Que el virus no nos pare!!
Echamos de menos el cole BCG pero #yomequedoencasa
Saludos especial para César y Viku!! Echamos mucho de menos su saludo matutino’

Padres de Reception, Y3 y Y5


I'm reaching out to you to express my deep gratitude and admiration for your hard work in these troubled times.

My wife and I were amazed how you managed to set up the remote way of teaching in a very short time.  

We understand that this must be a difficult period for all the BCG team as you need to take care of your families too, while adapting to this new work environment. Our thoughts are with you. Keep up the great work!

We are all in this together.

And together we will come out of this crisis even stronger.


Y6 Parents


Sydney Harbour Bridge

'Con honestidad les digo que este virus es un problema de todos, no solo del cole, que el servicio que estamos teniendo del cole no es obviamente por la que pagamos (presencial) pero bajo las circunstancias que vivimos está siendo por encima de las expectativas que todos teníamos. Es hora de ser justos, de luchar por el cole, de demostrar que queremos que siga creciendo y mejorando muchos años, y que nuestros hijos continúen formándose en él.'


Padres de Reception

'Os quería dar las gracias porque creo que los profesores están haciendo una gran labor y vosotros tomando decisiones e informando, también. De todas formas, lo más importante ahora es la salud de todos, del resto ¡ saldremos!

Os mando un abrazo fuerte y gracias de nuevo'


Mother of Nursery and Y1

‘To all the teachers and staff, thank you! The week has gone really well thanks to you. We hope you can relax a bit over the weekend and we look forward to seeing you online on Monday.’

Y3 and 4 parents


‘Just a quick note to thank you for all the help effort and support you are giving our children and us parents.

I am a very happy and proud to be part of BCG and to have you as teachers to my kids.’

Reception, Y2 and Y5 mother

'Stability of teachers is paramount for the school and our community. We want our school to continue to grow, to keep our good teachers, hence a high quality of education and we are here should they/the school need us.'

Kind regards,


Parents of Y3 and Y6

‘First week home school. THANK YOU for the super fluid transition to online teaching!!! Impressive really! I think we are very lucky that school reacted so quickly and you teachers just kept teaching our kids the best you can and with good techtools to make this possible. Our kids worked hard this week, kept learning and the chat and video keeps them socially connected. I hope to speak for the whole year 7. Big shout out to all BCG staff.

Is amazing how children are working at home in connection with the teachers team. That makes everything easier! Thanks’

Year 7 and 9 parents

Illustrated poetry Project!


Our students had the opportunity to explore poetry in Spanish, Catalan and French, and choose a language. The next step was creativity and here you will see some wonderful results.


Honestly I could not be more impressed. The girls love Miss Plummer and seeing her on the videos everyday is good continuity for them and she’s wonderfully calm she has a very soothing effect! She produces us a presentation each day that takes us through all the things we can do for each area of learning and it’s fantastic. It is pitched perfectly so it’s not complicated or onerous and yet each activity includes fun and effective learning. Yesterday we had phonics, numeracy and literacy with Becky then Spanish with Jenny, PE with Dan and Harry and Catriona did a wonderful singing session. Could not ask for more! We even had a video tour round Miss Plummer’s Mum’s garden to see signs of spring in England and meet her chickens. 


So impressed! 


Parent of Reception

My daughter is working hard at home which is very helpful in the difficult times that we are living at present. Students are sticking to a daily routine, carrying on learning and keeping in touch with their teachers.  It is great that some of the teachers are beginning to use the Meet tool, which makes lessons even more engaging!

Thanks for keeping the school going!


Year 10 mother

'We wish all of you and your families to stay safe and remain strong.

Every challenge is an opportunity.'


'Deseamos que todos ustedes y sus familias se mantengan seguros y fuertes. Cada desafío es una oportunidad.'

'Proud to see how my sons adapt to this new situation. They are enjoying on-line learning a lot!

Proud to be part of BCG Community and it's committed staff.


Orgullosa de ver como mis hijos se adaptan a esta nueva situación. Están disfrutando mucho el aprendizaje en línea!

Orgullosa de ser parte de la comunidad BCG y de su comprometido personal.'

Year 7 mother

I value the teachers' work much more than ever, they spend 8 hours every day, 5 days per week teaching my children and making them so happy. They even keep doing it during this difficult moment! Thank you more than ever for your wonderful work!'


Parents of Y4

Dear BCG,


Thank you for this professional and informative newsletter. Thank you for all the great activities you have initiated within a short time, considering the extraordinary circumstances the COVID-19 virus is causing. You have my full support.

Keep up the great work!


Y11 and Y6 parent

I am the mother of a Y8 student and in the current circumstances I would like to congratulate the school for the class system that is being carried out. These days talking to families from other schools I can tell you that the BCG system following the class schedule is undoubtedly the best !!.


Not only at an academic level, since the students continue to work, but at a personal and family level it is having a positive effect, it is easy to maintain discipline at home and this helps during confinement. I am aware of the work and the implication for teachers.


Again, I extend my sincere congratulations to all.

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